Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Negativity. Are Christians the experts?

If there's something I've learned in the ministry it's that Christians are negative. More than just the "average" Christian, but lots of ministers are negative. "our building is too small", "our worship band isn't cool enough", "our church is never going to grow", etc. etc.

I've heard it said that the Christian army is the only army on the planet that shoots it's wounded. Ministers are often the ones taking aim. Pastor's bash other pastors from their pulpit. Minister's judge other churches ministries from their office, and neither are afraid to share their opinion on why they are a better leader, preacher, minister than you.

One thing I've come in contact with while starting this church plant is negativity. I've already addressed it in a previous post, but sure enough it has surfaced. It's actually kind of funny (but sad at the same time) the things people will say to you to discourage you from planting a church. I read in Steven Furtick's book that one pastor said "welcome to the neighborhood kid"...I'm guessing he wishes that conversation went a little bit different. Because I've never had a tenure anywhere I've been told "I need more time following before I lead". The reality is as practical as that sounds, biblically most leaders don't fit that mold. Our Biblical patriarchs were called by God and they followed. That's why God blessed them, not because of their resumes but because of their hearts. Imagine what the world would be like if Timothy didn't lead simply because he was young, or Paul because of the criticism he received about the issue of apostleship, or even Jesus (he after had to obey the will of the Father). I'm glad these men all chose to obey their calling.

Pastors, ministers, and Christians I want to encourage you today to be an encouragement to others in ministry, and to your congregations! The church has enough work to do, we don't need to be occupied by civil wars. Let's preach like their are lives at stake! And love people like Christ did!

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